Using the book "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day," I have learned to turn out a pretty decent basic white loaf over the past year or so. I've also tried the 100% whole wheat variety and ended up with a loaf of bread that was like a lead weight, so I've gone back to regular white bread for now.
Not only does homemade bread taste amazing and make the house smell like a bakery, but it saves you money (in the age of the $4.99 loaf of bread) and allows you to control what's going into your bread (check out the ingredients list on store-bought bread - even the "organic" and healthy stuff - and you'll see about 30 ingredients that look like a page out of your college chemistry book).
Pictured above is a loaf I made last week using the basic French bread recipe in Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything. Doesn't that look tasty? And it's not that hard to do...